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30 Things that Bring Me Joy as a Mom

Looking back at the joys of being a mom, you realize just how quickly time passes and the impact that children have on your life. From playing with them as toddlers to celebrating milestones, there is nothing quite like seeing your children grow into kind and happy adults. Life as a mom is full of unique challenges, but it is also filled with moments of joy that make it all worth it in the end.

In recent years, I’ve started looking for joy in the little things. And guess what? It’s everywhere! If you’re struggling to find joy as a mom, start by writing out a list of 30 Things that Bring You Joy as a Mom.

Here are a few ideas:

  1. The sound of your baby’s laughter
  2. The way your toddler runs to you for a hug
  3. Special family dinners together
  4. Seeing your kids overcome a fear or challenge
  5. Being asked for advice, even if it’s not taken
  6. The pride you feel when your kids accomplish something great
  7. Cherishing the little things in life that are often overlooked
  8. Praying with and for your kids
  9. Talking about their day
  10. The look of concentration on your child’s face when they’re deep in thought or working on something new
  11. Giggling with your partner over something silly your kid did
  12. Listening to your kids talk about games that they love
  13. The absolute happiness you feel when you finally get to sleep through the night (even if it is just for one night!)
  14. The relief you feel when you realize your kids are happy and safe
  15. The way your heart swells with love when you watch your kids play together
  16. .Hearing your kids say “I love you”
  17. Kisses from your kids – even if they are sometimes slobbery!
  18. Watching your child learn something new
  19. Seeing how much fun your kid has doing something they love
  20. Listening to your kids laughing together
  21. Cuddling with a sleepy child
  22. Your child showing empathy towards someone else (especially their siblings)
  23. Exchanging thoughtful gifts on birthdays and holidays
  24. Being able to have meaningful conversations with them
  25. A big bear hug from one of your kids
  26. Spending quality time together, no matter how busy life gets
  27. Making silly faces back and forth with your kids
  28. Working on a project together
  29. Listening to music together
  30. Truly enjoying just spending time hanging out with each other without any screens or distractions
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As moms, we often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we forget to stop and appreciate the joy that is right in front of us. But if we take a step back and really look, we’ll see that joy is all around us – in our children’s laughter, in our family traditions, and in special moments shared together. Keep an eye out for these small moments of joy today, and cherish them always!

I’d love to hear what the 30 Things that Bring You Joy as a Mom are.

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